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This page will inform, tell, you how to write a Limerick, Sonnet, or Free Verse poem. Read the following sample poems to get a better understanding of how to write these types of poems. In the Limerick, Sonnet, and Free Verse Rhymed the letters show you which lines has to end with a word that rhymes with the other word, except for Free Verse Unrhymed because in Free Verse Unrhymed you write it however you want there is no right or wrong. Example of:
Limerick Sonnet Free Verse

(A)Stay in school,
(A)Don’t act a fool,
(B)Stay out of trouble,
(B)Or make it double,
(A)And just be cool.

(A)As beautiful as the ocean,
(B)Yet calm like the sea.
(A)She walks with a motion,
(B)That every guy wants to see.

(C)She is soft like a dove,
(D)And taste so sweet.
(C)She is my one true love,
(D)And I promise not to cheat.

(E)She is my eye candy,
(F)Cause of the way she dress.
(E)She looks so dandy,
(F)Even when her hair is a mess.

(G)A baby she will carry,
(G)Because I asked her to marry.

Rhymed Unrhymed

(A)To see the world,

(A)With your favorite girl.

(B)To feel the happiness of joy,

(B)When you give a kid a toy.

I love you now,

As I love you thin.

You stole my heart,

And claimed it as yours.