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The African Continent

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Africa is an enormous continent made up of 53 countries. It is the second largest continent out of the seven and covers 11,700,000 square miles. Its largest country is Sudan which occupies 967,500 square miles. Africa is seperated from Europe by the Mediterranian Sea and from most of Asia by the Red Sea. In the north lies the largest desert in the world, the Sahara, covering 3,500,000 square miles. Most of Central Africa is embraced by the great rain forest basin, and grassy highlands, along with multiple mountain ranges, consume the Southern part. The continents highest mountain is Kilimanjaro and some of the worlds longest rivers, including the Nile, Niger, and Zaire, can be found in Africa. The largest lake on the continent is Lake Victoria at 26,828 square miles. It is abundant in land, but a low income country.







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